Saturday, March 13, 2021

Swords & Saturdays - Pagan Warrior (2019)


When his castle is taken by vikings a king and witch summons the Yule demon, Krampus to reclaim it.

I give this movie some credit. Combining Krampus and vikings is a fun idea The castle used for the film is impressive looking. Also, this flick is definitely not like any other Christmas/Yule movie out there. However, other than the plot point that Krampus is only active on Yule, you'd never know this was a Yule flick.

Krampus looks pretty cool. The demon would fit in well at one of the Krampus parades they have Austria. I like the animalistic mask and while he's not phenomenal looking, he looks good considering the budget. He does have obviously human hands though, which looks wrong.

Now that I've got the positives out of the way, there's a lot working against this one. The acting isn't great, even for a B flick. The outfits look like homemade Renfest wear. The movie has weird pacing issues, as well. 

Honestly the movie is just really dull, which is unfortunate give the potential of the original title, Vikings vs Krampus. 

In Your Game
The version of Krampus in the movie didn't seem super powerful, but was still deadly to common folk. That's why I think Tim Brannan's version of the creature would be great to use as stats for it.


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