Wednesday, May 26, 2021

PG: Psycho Goreman (2020)

A disturbed young girl and her brother friend find an ancient alien gem that gives her control of a super powerful overlord. Dubbing him Psycho Goreman (or PG for short). Soon creatures from across the galaxy come to Earth searching for PG. 

Psycho Goreman is one of those unique and insane flicks. It's really dark, but instead of being depressing, the it's really humorous. There's tons of random murder and body horror, but it's all really cheesy looking. The film is bloody and gross, but in an over the top, unrealistic way. There's tons of fake blood and viscera. PG and the other aliens look like cheesy Power Ranger/Super Sentai foes. Honestly the whole film kind of feels like Power Rangers on crack. 

The cast are memorable. Mimi is an absolute monster in the body of a small child and her long suffering brother Luke seems to be the only sane person in the flick. The interactions between the family, PG, and the community are fantastic. 

Finally, the score is top notch. There's a great 80's dark synth vibe that tends to go with these wild horror flicks with purple themes (like Mandy). In addition to the great score you also have I'm The Heckin' Best and PG for Short, which are definitely memorable tracks. 

In Your Game
As I mentioned this movie had a Power Rangers vibe to me, so I statted PG out in the vein of my White Star Power Rangers.

Pscyho Goreman (or PG for short)
Armor Class 1 [18]
Hit Dice 10
Total Hit Bonus +6
Attacks Goreblade (1d6+6) or Diabolic Magic (3d6)
Saving Throw 9
Special Horrific Transformation, Juggernaut
Movement 12
HDE/XP  12/2,600

PG is an ancient powerful evil. His goreblade is crafted from pieces his hated foe, Pandora. Though not truly a blade, it can slice through nearly anything. PG also has the ability to fire dark magic at a range of 120'. He can grow to immense size (which allows him to destroy buildings and go toe-to-toe with mecha should that sort of scenario rise). PG also has the ability to transform weaklings into hideous monstrosities. This is more of a plot power and a tool for the GM. Feel free to give PG other powers if the plot requires or it just makes a scene cooler. 


  1. I've been raving about this movie since I saw it months ago.

  2. Man, this looks awesome. Thanks for the review!
