Friday, July 2, 2021

Hero at Large (1980)


Steven Nichols is a struggling actor in NYC who takes a job wearing a superhero costume to promote a movie. His life changes when he stops a hold-up. The public love him and soon he starts fighting crime and Captain Avenger.


Roger Ebert said the movie was "a big, dumb, silly, good-hearted albatross of a comedy." I think that's the perfect description. There's a bit of romance and some drama thrown into the mix as well.

John Ritter is wonderful as Steve. As always, he's  just such a likable character. He's just so charming and lovable. You want to give him a hug.  I love the character's rose colored glasses. His explanation of the Captain Avenger fever to the newscaster early on is the kind of hope I live for. I'm a sucker for an idealist with a great smile.

Anne Archer does an excellent job as Steve's neighbor, Jolene. She's an independent character. While she does eventually end up with Steve (because it's Hollywood), her motivations and desire to make her own life and how Steve's plans don't fit into it make her a unique love interest.

There are some things that are dated about the movie.  Steve's manager refers to a character as "the Arab" earlier in the movie. There's a seen between Steve and Jolene that he uses a stereotypical East Asian accent. There are also a few homophobic lines (some of which come from a young Kevin Bacon). That aside, the movie still has an overall wholesome feel and a great message about following your dreams.

In Your Game

This movie was recommended to me by my hunky friend, Matthew McCloud, the new official Game Master for Bloat Games. He posted this over in the Bloat Games - Gaming Community group. I'm sharing the stats with his permission. 

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