Sunday, October 2, 2022

October Horror Movie Challenge - The Sadness (2021)



Jim and Kat are a young couple in Taiwan. The past year they've been living in a society that's been combating the seemingly benign Alvin virus. However, after the country lets its guard down the virus mutates and turns citizens into crazed psychopaths driven by their most primal urges. The movie follows Kat and Jim and they try to survive and reunite. 


The movie definitely taps into real world events. The Alvin virus has a lot of parallels with Covid-19. Folks that get it tend to have cold and flu like symptoms and most survive. There's also a video Jim watches early in the flick where a host berates a scientists warning to be diligent against the virus by saying it's shameful to politicize illness. The virus also definitely gets inspiration from the Garth Ennis created zombie series, Crossed. Those infected become rabid beings that just want to torture, fuck, and kill. This makes them even more dangerous than the rage zombies of 28 Days Later, because they can still think and plan. They are also more tragic because (as explained later in the movie) they know what they are doing, they just can't stop it (which is why some are seen crying before they commit their awful deeds).

This movie is a gross, blood soaked, and grotesque thing. There are so many awful bits of dialogue and graphic violence. There are also multiple incidents of sexual violence. That being said, it's not just a piece of offensive trash. The film is a nihilistic piece of art. The tension is nerve wracking and the visuals are unforgettable. If you have a strong stomach and want to watch a brilliantly shot zombie picture with unforgettable sights, this might be one for you. Tim put it well in his review, this is not a movie you enjoy, it's one you experience.

In Your Game
The Sad Ones could be seen as a malevolent living zombie so I'm giving Zombies! stats for them. The virus is transmitted by bodily fluids so bleeding or vomiting on victims and sexual encounters will lead to infection.

The Sad Ones
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 3
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: By Weapon 
Special: +5 to Toughness, all attacks made by the Sad Ones are made with advantage, all attacks made against Sad Ones are made with advantage
Bonuses: +2 to Melee attacks, +2 to Damage
Pack Size: 1d4+1
Methods of Termination: any method that kills a normal human
New Movies: 3
Other Horror Movies Watched Since Last Post: Return of the Living Dead, Bones, Evil Dead (2013)
Challenge Total: 7

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