Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Judge Phil's Zine of Goodies Vol. 3 Review

Volume 3 of Judge Phil's Zine of Goodies has been released digitally and it's another bizarre good time. As you can tell by the cover, the zine features the same amateur art quality and crazy ideas as the previous two volumes. This isn't a bad thing. It's what makes the zine fun. The forward again discusses how DCC helped Judge Phil, but also discusses how it and this zine is creating community and brining folks together.

The zine starts out with a new class, the Were-raptor G-Person.  This one is just downright weird. Like the protagonist of Velocipastor, you can transform between human and raptor form. You're also some sort of agent. Class-wise they get secret agent-y stuff and can also shift into a raptor. Finally they get magic, though this mimics black-ops tech and such. It definitely doesn't fit into a typical DCC game, but then again, what is a typical DCC game. Like the deathmatch wrestler found in volume 1, I think this one is a fun addition to Bloat Game's True Vigilante or Bronx Beasts. I could also see them popping up in Umerica. 

New downtime activity rules are given next. There are tables and charts related to invest money in real estate and take a stab at Stand-Up Comedy. There's enough crunch and variety to these to make them a useful and fun addition to games. I think they both fit very well with the above mentioned DCC settings.

The final downtime activity/game add-on is the Armored Advertising Agency. This bit of sponsorship makes me think of the underrated classic, Mystery Men. I'm sure we'll see something official like this in the future with Xcrawl. 

There are two adventure sites presented. The first is Boulder Mine. The party try to get some owlbear eggs for a local monstrous pet dealer. This one can be done in a single session and has a few different foes and obstacles.

The second adventure is Horse Warranty Department. The Horse Warranty Department is a mysterious new company that sells horse insurance (though they don't ever provide coverage). Obviously this is a cover for vampires. Because.... obviously.

Like previous volumes, this is a fun and ridiculous zine that adds a bit of WTF to DCC. I definitely recommend it. 

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