Thursday, April 6, 2023

F is for the Faceless Man

First appearing in Army of Darkness: Ash Gets Hitched, the Faceless Man is a powerful demon that was allegedly the first Deadite. It is said that his face was flayed and turned into the cover of the Necronomicon. He wears a hood made of human flesh. He is summoned from Hell when his name is said three times by "a person of pure heart." Additionally, because of his status as the first Deadite, while in the realm of the living, Deadites no longer suffer their weakness to daylight.

Name: The Faceless Man
Motivation: Destroy the world or at least make mankind bow down to evil
Critter Type: Demon Deadite
Attributes: Str 10, Dex 5, Con 10, Int 4, Per 2, Will 2
Ability Scores: Muscle 26, Combat 19, Brains 12
Life Points:  150    Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities:  Armor Value 8, Attractiveness - 6, Deadite in Daylight, Increased Life Points, Immortality, Regeneration

Name           Score                     Damage                     Notes
Choke          19                              9                       Target Must be Grappled, Bash, Target Can't Breathe
Grapple        21                             20                      Resisted by dodge
Punch          19                             20                      Bash
Dodge          19                              -                        Defensive Action

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