Saturday, April 8, 2023

H is for Hellbillies and Deadnecks

Hellbillies is a term coined in Evil Dead: Hail to the King. I've statted generic bad guy Hellbillies here. These are your typical cannibal hillfolk. Technically Jake and Bobby Jo were also considered Hellbillies. The term was also used in Hellbillies and Deadnecks storyline of the Army of Darkness comic series. I've decided to make a Hellbilly primitive screwhead archetype. It's heavily inspired by Tucker and Dale vs Evil.

Primitive Screwhead
Life Points: 45
Drama Points: 20

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 3
Intelligence: 2
Perception: 3
Willpower: 2

Contacts [Kith and Kin] (2)
Hard to Kill 5 (5) 
Natural Toughness (2)
Resistance [Pain] 1 (1)
Situational Awareness (2)

Outcast [Hellbilly] (2)

Driving 3
Getting Medieval 2
Gun Fu 2 
Kung Fu 2 
Mr. Fix-It 3 
Notice 3
Occultism 1

Maneuvers:          Bonus     Damage           Notes
Axe                          4            8                Slash/Stab 
Boomstick               4           20               Bullet; uses pistol ranges
Punch                      4            4                Bash 
Dodge                     4             -                Defense action

Background on Hellbilly

Me and my best friend bought a nice little fixer-upper cabin in the woods. We were have a good time, fishing, drinking, and doing repairs when some college kids started killing themselves on our property. Turns out they were part of some suicide death cult and were looking for some old book on our new land. Eventually they found it and let something loose. The whole thing reminded me of a story I'd heard about my cousin Jake. Luckily mamaw taught me a little bit about things that wander out at night. We put them possessed kids down, but knew our world would never be the same.

"Oh hidy-ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There were are minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when these kids read this weird buck and start going all demon and gross all over my property."

Roleplaying the Hellbilly
You're just a good old boy. Never meanin' no harm. Beats all you ever saw... been dealin' with college kids turning into demons. While all this is weird, you remember the stories your mamaw used to tell about beasties and ghoulies in the woods. You're going to do what you need to protect you and yours.

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