Sunday, April 9, 2023

I is for Incantations

I had originally planned on writing up spells for this post to make AoD more in line with Buffy, Angel, and Ghosts of Albion. However, As the book mentions, the Necronomicon wants people to cast its spells. As long as you can speak the incantations language or pronounce them phonetically you can cast the spell. This is not to say that there might not be other costs. The following spells and lore can be found in the tome. These spells have been shown to exist in the tome and are found in the book with  Awaken Watcher, Summon Army of the Dead, and Vortex.

Funerary Incantations
These rights and rituals help deceased spirits on to another plane of existence.

The Dark Ones received visions of (potential futures) and recorded them in the tome.

A Guide to Demons
The tome contains information about various demons, there powers, and how to summon them.

Potion Brewing Instructions
The book contains instructions on creating the stasis potion Ash was given in Army of Darkness.

Reality Warping
A living Promised One can use their blood on a blank page to reset reality to prevent things such as a Deadite invasion.

Masking Spell
This spell conceals the "smell" of the Necronomicon from demons.

Create Deadite Slasher
This spell summons the powers of the Dark Ones to create a special form of Deadite like Jason Voorhees.

Summon Shaitan  
This spell acts as Awaken Watcher, but instead summons the Taker of Souls

Create Simulacrum
By reading the the proper incantation and shedding blood over dead flesh a ritualist can create a living simulacrum of the source of the dead flesh. Blood from the original source is sufficient, however if other blood is used the simulacrum has traits of that donor.  If you wish to create a simulacrum character, check out the quality I created here.

Open Portal
By using the proper words and the blood of a virgin, the caster can activate a dormant portal.

By spending a drama point and sacrificing 5 life points the caster's Strength is increased to ten for 1 combat action. If this spell is used outside of concept it lasts for a short scene (as determined by Director).

Possess Deadite
By spending a drama point and sacrificing 5 life points the caster is able to possess a Deadite they can see. They use their Willpower (doubled) roll against the targets Brains. Upon success they gain control of the Deadite for the scene. They cannot make the Deadite directly harm itself, but can put it in harm's way.

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