Monday, April 10, 2023

J is for Jake

I thought about doing a quicksheet for Jake, but decided to stat him out as a Primitive Screwhead instead. 

Primitive Screwhead
Life Points: 45
Drama Points: 20

Strength: 4
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 3
Intelligence: 2
Perception: 2 
Willpower: 2

Contacts [Kith and Kin] (2)
Hard to Kill 5 (5) 
Natural Toughness (2)
Resistance [Pain] 1 (1)


Dullard (2) 
Love [Bobby Joe] (2)
Outcast [Hellbilly] (2)

Skills:  21
Driving 3
Getting Medieval 3
Gun Fu 4 
Kung Fu 4 
Mr. Fix-It 4 
Notice 3

Maneuvers:          Bonus     Damage           Notes
Boomstick               6           20               Bullet; uses pistol ranges
Punch                      6            8                Bash 
Dodge                     6             -                Defense action

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