Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Fright Night Classics - The Nightmare

The Nightmare is the newest Fright Night Classics adventure from Yet Spaghetti and Friends. Written by the fantastic Timothy Brannan of The Other Side blog, the adventure is written for use with old school percentile game systems (primarily CHILL and Cryptworld, though it cold easily be used for other games too). Because of this, the adventure's mechanics are very rules light.

The adventure takes places in California's Central Valley, which is home to a large population of Hmong immigrants from Southeast Asia. It's seems a nightmare hag from has immigrated too. The characters are called in because of a recent string of deaths connected to sleep related deaths. The characters head to a sleep study lab to investigate, witness an attack, and then have to formulate a way to stop the old hag. Players will need to investigate the spirit, which might be hindered by cultural barriers. After gaining the knowledge and aid they need they return to the facility and (hopefully) defeat the hag. 

Like other adventures in this series, The Nightmare, is written as an episode of a tv show. It's broken down into four parts (counting the conclusion). This makes it easy to follow and easy to run. The adventure is respectful and even includes a short disclaimer of sleep paralysis. I also appreciate the GM handouts. This one really can be dropped into mot most modern supernatural/horror games with little ease. In addition to Chill and Cryptworld, with little work this could be used with Cinematic Uniystem, Call of Cthulhu, What Shadows Hide, or Tim's own Nightshift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars

If you run a monster of the week or occult investigation game, The Nightmare would be a great addition to your game. You can get the pdf here.


  1. Nice...I may go ahead and put this one on the schedule as a Halloween game this year...!
