Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Her Heart In A Porcelain Jar

Her Heart In A Porcelain Jar is "a suburban emo sadventure" written by Evey "Filth Gnome" Lockhart with art by Spooky Rusty and Tony Jaguar. It is 8 pages counting the front and back covers. 

This is my first Troika! book. If you aren't familiar the game is a science-fantasy game that's rules light and is very much a collaborative experience. The game's setting has many sub-settings called spheres. 

The players are recruited by suburban mom, Annette Decanter, who's 19 year old daughter, Joanna has gone missing. Of course there's more to it than that. Within the pages we're given npcs, locations to look, and adventure background. There's some LGBTQ+ representation and unique magic. 

There isn't a whole lot to this one, but what is presented is stylish and unique. I'm definitely happy with my purchase. I bought my physical copy from Spear Witch, but you can also grab the pdf here.

I felt like I couldn't talk about an emo book without adding some music to the post, so I thought I'd share the music video that got me hooked on emo things.

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