Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Minor Threats Volume 1 Comic Trailer

Somedays I feel like a hypocrite when I talk about the things I love. There have been many times that I've had conversations with friends about how I'm sick of dark and gritty supers gone bad comics. I say I'm done with superhero deconstruction, yet I love The Boys (Amazon series, not comics), play the Injustice video games, am really looking forward to reading Go! Go! Loser Ranger!, and now that I've watched this trailer for Minor Threats I really want to read it.

Written by Jordan Blum and Patton Oswalt  (who also narrates the trailer), I love the vibe of this one. It feels kind of like a scaled down Injustice (supers creating a police state) from the perspective of the Flash's Rogues (one of my favorite comics teams). Going to need to find a copy of this and check it out soon.

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