Friday, June 30, 2023

Alien 2233

The other day I posted about the Screamers Alien RPG content over at the RPG Marshal Blog. Today I wanted to share their mashup of Alien and the Metro franchise. It consists of three video games (four if you count the remastered release of the first two) and a series of short stories, novellas, and novels all taking place primarily in post-apocalyptic Russia. In the video games, characters play as rangers, living in settlements in the Moscow Metro, which survived the nuclear apocalypse. They must scavenge supplies, keep morale in their communities up, and evade hostile mutants. 

Alien 2233 is a combines the settings. The premise is that Earth was nuked after a Weyland-Yutani spaceship crashed. Just a few thousand people survived, by taking refuge in the metro tunnels beneath Moscow. Unfortunately for them Xenomorphs have also made it to the ruins of Moscow and are now hunter humanity. 

The free pdf is nine pages. The first page contains information about each franchise and then how to make them crossover. There are a few pages which include a map of the metro, brief descriptions of the various stations, discussion of the New UPP, and a new synthetic variation, the comrade. There are four pages of Xenomorph lore, which includes 5 new types (with stats).

  • Xenobat - flying death from above
  • Xenoshark - found in flooded sections of the Metro and rivers
  • Xenogorilla - what's more frightening than a Xenomorph... one that can overturn a car or bust through a wall
  • Xenorex - an alpha xenomorph and terrifying sight
  • Xenopsy - these xenomorphs have mutated because of their exposure to radiation and humanity and taken on human characteristics. They also have psychic abilities. 
There is a page that discusses equipment and basically just gives equivalents between the Metro games and the Alien RPG. Finally there are 5 different adventure hooks.

Overall I have to say this is a nice little mashup. You can do an alternate take on the Alien RPG and use it as your setting. You could so just divorce it from Earth and use the idea for a colony world. If nothing out you have some horrifying xenomorph variants  you can lift. 

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