Friday, August 18, 2023

VtM: Winter's Teeth #4

Issue 4 sees Cecily and Ali searching for Prince Samantha's killer. The pair begin by interviewing the Prince's inner circle. We are introduced to Mother Joe, Jim Gershwin, Bosch Singh, and Elena Kowalksi. While Cecily believes Ali is being naïve in her interrogation, but she actually plays off the group well and deciphers than none of them have knowledge of the Prince's death. The pair head to the secret haven of the reclusive know-it-all shut-in Arlen Haight. Just as they are about to learn more information, Height is killed by his own Anarch bodyguards.  The story ends with the Tremere Calder calling a Blood Hunt on Cecily and Ali. The Anarch Stories Part 4 picks up with the group at a motel. King Rat shares information with the group about recent events happening in the Twin Cities and informs them their contact, Mr. Hate, has been killed. We see more parts of the story intertwining with Mr. Hate actually being Arlen Haight. Colleen mentions Cecily, which lets us know that she is the other woman in the group that she mentioned when in Part I of the story. The rest of the story focuses on Priscilla as she shares her origin story and blood bonds a still living hunter. The last panel reveals she has as serpent like tongue which leads me to believe she is from the Ministry (rebranded Followers of Set) rather than the Toreador. 

The game content for this issue is stats and background on two members of Prince Samantha's court, the Gangrel Bosche Singh and the Ventrue Elena Kowalksa.

This issue focused on how you can't really trust anyone in VtM. Haight is killed by hire retainers. Cecily scolds Ali for looking weak and says that she would have been dusted if it hadn't been for her acting as guardian. Finally in the Anarch story we learn that Priscilla is hiding her true nature from the group. Overall this is another great issue in the series.

Snag Winter's Teeth #4 here today.

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