Tuesday, August 22, 2023

VtM: Winter's Teeth #8

Cecily learns of Irma's death and realizes that Elana would be the person to silence her. She goes to Elena's home for retribution, only to find she's dead. Carfax, Calder, Ali, and the rest of the court are there. After a confrontation, Cecily and Ali are tasked to avenge Elana's death. Cecily gets Ali to reveal the truth as she heads to a mortuary. She plans on laying a trap for the Mortician's Army, but Ali turns on her. In The Anarch's Tale Part 8, the hunter ghouled by Priscilla recounts the origins of the Mortician's Army. We see the night he was attacked and how his wife was killed. The issues ends with the ghoul be killed by the reverend Priscilla took her to see. Priscilla is saddened by the ghoul's death, as she promised to protect her. 

The crunchy bits include stats Toreador Erin Runningbear. While she's currently imprisoned by Calder, she may play a larger role in the future story.

Holy shit a lot happened in this issue. Carfax shows the power of his blood sorcery by basically turning Elan's husband to blood and absorbing him. Cecily's confrontation with Ali was intense. It was well written and definitely kept my interest. The origin of the Mortician's Army is sad and also shows that while they are the villains of the story, the hunter's cause is just. This complexity carries over with Priscilla's remorse for getting her ghouled hunter killed.

If you want to read issue #8 you can get a copy of DriveThruRPG here.

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