Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Faereld Review

Faereld is a rule-light swords and sorcery rpg by Andy Hand of Cheatin' Fair Games. It is a mostly narrative driven game that uses the X-2 game mechanics to resolve tasks.  The game is presented as a rather old school looking 32 page pdf.

The X-2 core mechanic is rather simple. Your character rolls a six sided die and gets a success on a 5 or higher. Characters each have an area of expertise that nets them a success on a 4 or higher. If you don't make that number, you fail. If you roll a one you lose a resource point. If you run out of those then you can't continue until you rest and fix your gear and things.

Character creation is simple. Pick a class, pick a specialty, flesh out who your character is and give them some characteristics, and finally pick equipment. Characters have a few basic traits and though rules-lite, there is a level up system.

There is a discussion about creating adventures, which consist of a series of challenges. Simple and complex challenges are discussed and given examples. 

We're presented with magic items, a setting (Brae, the City of Steam), and an adventure. Brae is an interesting city. Built around mysterious hot springs, it's a tropical city in the middle of a tundra. A fair amount of detail is given to the city, it's residents, and most importantly a place to carouse and gear to be had. 

This is a really solid little game. Andy takes time to define S&S. If you have a group of players and a GM that trust each other, this could be a fun experience. You could definitely tell some Lankhmar-esque stories with it.

You can grab our copy here.

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