Friday, September 15, 2023

Nautical Achievements

While looking on the DM Guild for useful supplements for my upcoming nautical game I found Nautical Achievements by BenDjinn. I love BenDjinn's stuff and am sad they took down all their horror content (which I'm assuming was for legal reasons).

Achievements and Trophies have been a regular thing in video games for a few decades now, though if you look at things like arcade high scores, the ideas has been around since the inception of video games. The modern idea is that you do a certain task in game and you get a named achievement added to your gamer record. This pdf takes that idea and adds it to 5e. It adds some nautical spice to the game. The pdf includes 100 achievements. Here are a few examples from Nautical Achievements:

  • Wave Rider - You successfully ride a giant seahorse  
  • Ship Hunter - You discover the remains of a sunken ship
For every ten achievements you unlock you get a Nautical Trait. These are very minor boons that add some flavor to your character. You can either let your players pick one or roll for it randomly. There are 10 presented, as well as blank space to create 10 more. Here's an example:
  • Parley - You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks against pirates and sailors.

I can see some people bitching about this being another example of trying to make D&D like a video game, but I think it's a fun little touch. It's not going to take anything away from the game and I think it will encourage players to do some interesting things that they might not do otherwise. This 7 page pdf is only .99 cents. The achievements and traits are formatted to be printed off on labels, which is a handy way to use them. If you are open to the idea I think it's could be a nice addition to your game.

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