Friday, September 22, 2023

Wereswans for We Die Young and What Shadows Hide

I thought it would be fun to create a new character option for What Shadows Hide and We Die Young. This was inspired by the legend of the Swan Maiden, the swanmanes of the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, and D&D's swanmaes. I would say it was also inspired by Black Swan (which you would assume by my image choices), but I haven't watched that film yet. Actually creating this post has inspired me to go watch it. Hell, I believe it's considered a horror movie, so I might make it a part of the October Horror Movie Challenge.

Also stylistically I'm not a fan of "were-" and just prefer to remove the hyphen and make it one word so that's what you'll see below.

Like other werebeasts, wereswans carry an ancient curse. Unlike traditional werebeasts, this curse is tied to bloodlines and the fae, meaning it cannot be passed intentionally to mortals. Because of this their numbers are much lower than other werebeasts. In general, wereswans are distrusting of most predatory werebeasts. Despite the fae origin of their curse, they tend to be on good terms with faeries and twitter fey. Their blood is considered exquisite by vampires, which also leads to distrust between the two peoples.

Wereswans tend to be lithe and beautiful. Once they reach a certain age their hair is replaced by extremely fine feathers.  

In every generation a Swan King is born (identified by a swan-shaped birthmark). It is the king's duty to travel the world to protect and better the lives of their people. A Swan Queen is also been each generation and destined to mate with the King and share in their duties.

Racial Attributes

Features: As traditional werebeasts, with the exception of their hair turning to feathers as mentioned above)

Alignment: By Fangkin

Base Move: 12

Bonuses: +2 to DEX, +2 to CHA, +2 to Initiative, +3 to Tracking (by smell), +2 to Spot and Listen,+1 to Dance, +1 HP at each level after 1st. Select a Fangkin. Note, nearly all Wereswans are members of the Ferine Refined, though a rare few join the Silver Vice because of their animosity towards vampires.

Abilities:  Advantage on Initiative and DEX checks. Otherwise, as traditional werebeasts, though they don't get a bite attack (outside of swan form).

The Death Hunt: As traditional werebeast.

Transformation: In general this works as a traditional werebeast. However, a wereswan may transform into a swan at will and stay transformed as long as they'd like.

Werebeast Form
  • Talons (d4-1)
  • 3rd Level - Gain Flying (16 Move)
Swan Form
  • Bite attack (1d2)
  • AC: 13 (plus Dex)
  • Move 18 Fly
  • Other stats remain same
Werebeasts & Magic: As traditional werebeast.

Weaknesses: As traditional, though due to the faerie origin of their curse they are also weak to Cold Iron in all forms.

Languages: As traditional werebeast.

Lifespan: As traditional werebeast, but 50% rather than 15%.

Size: As traditional werebeast.

At Advanced Levels:
  • 3rd Level: 1/2 damage from falling (rounded down)
  • 5th Level: +1 to DEX & +1 to all save stats
  • 7th Level: +2 to CHA & Toughness 1
  • 9th Level: +1 to any two attributes

1 comment:

  1. Black Swan is a magnificent film. I haven't seen it in over a decade, but it left a lasting impression and it's definitely a horror flick.
