Wednesday, October 4, 2023

October Horror Challenge - Fritt Vilt (2006)

Today 's list prompt is "Foreign Language." Technically I've already watched one this October, but I decided to officially go with the Norwegian slasher, Fritt Vilt (aka Cold Prey). I watched and reviewed it for the challenge back in 2014 and I was curious to see if it was still as good. 

Spoiler: It is.

A group of friends go snowboarding on Jotunheimen. When one of the group gets injured they must seek shelter in an abandoned ski lodge. Unfortunately for the group, the ski lodge might not be as abandoned as they think and they find themselves stalked by a sinister mountain man.

This movie doesn't revolutionize anything in the slasher genre, but I absolutely believe it perfects it. You have classic characters. The friendly big brother-esque character, her assertive and intelligent girlfriend, the cool guy, his loving (but unsure) girlfriend, and the jokester. They really feel fleshed out and you actually care about them. There are very minor things that make them more relatable, like the clown admitting to the assertive female lead that he's always had a thing for her and her admitting she knew. Even things that would make you dislike a character, such the cool guy being too pushy and reacting badly to his girlfriend wanting to take it slow, are used to show the characters aren't just one dimensional (as the cool guy is truly remorseful for how he acted). All of this meant the characters' deaths were all the more heartbreaking. You really do root for them, even though you know they're doomed. 

The villain, referred to as the Mountain Man online, is imposing and Michael Myers-like. He doesn't speak and is more of a force, that a character. There are hints to his origin in the opening and closing of the film, as well as peppered throughout. I remember it's touched on more a bit more in the sequel. The third film is a prequal that further delves into things, but I've never been able to watch it. The Jotunheimen also serves as a secondary antagonist. It's forbidding slopes and treacherous weather is a dangerous threat as well. 

While there is some blood, this one is actually pretty light on explicit gore. Even the squeamish can watch this one. I'd say this is one of the best slasher flicks of the 21st century and if you get a chance, check it out.

In Your Game
The Mountain Man is a perfect antagonist for C.A.R.E. agents in the Norwegian mountains.
The Mountain Man (Humanoid)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 52 HP (6 HD)
Move: 10
Actions: 2
Attack: Pickaxe (d8)
Special: Immunity to cold based damage and environmental effects, Toughness +3
Bonuses: +5 to Melee attacks, +3 to Melee damage
Alignment: Evil 
Morale: 10
Madness: 10 (11)
Terror: 15 
HDE: 5

Items: Pickaxe, cold weather outfit, sled

First Time View: 2
Total Watched (Including Non-Challenge Horror Movies): 6

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