Monday, October 9, 2023

October Horror Challenge - The Wicker Man (1973)

While "Slow Burn" isn't my typical preference for horror, but there are times I can dig it. 1973's The Wicker Man is one of, if not one of, the best folk horror films of all time. 

Conservative Christian Sergeant Howie visits the small Scottish islands of Summerisle to investigate a missing child report. His personal beliefs are tested as he witnesses the sexual pagan rituals performed by the residents.

This one really is a classic. The script is brilliant and the locations and cinematography are wonderful. Edward Woodward is excellent as the as Sergeant Howie. His interactions with the pagan village, led by Christopher Lee as Lord Summerisle, are fascinating. The whole piece it atmospheric and an interesting mix of cult thriller and folk musical. It really is an offbeat movie, but it's a damn entertaining one. 

This film has one of my favorite endings of all time. I don't want to spoil it, but it sticks with you, for sure.

In Your Game
Many SURVIVE THIS!! games have Human Cultist stats. The Cult Maiden is a specialized version of of those and serve their cults as honeypots. 

Cult Maiden, Human (Humanoid)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 1 HD
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: Punch (1-2) or by weapon
Special:  Disadvantage on Mental saves against own cult and Advantage on all other mental saves, Advantage on all rolls related to seduction and manipulation
Bonuses: +1 to attacks, +2 to Initiative, +4 to Dancing, +4 to Persuasion, Spot and Listen +2
Alignment: Any
Morale: 7
Madness: 2 (7)
Terror: -
HDE: 1/2 point

Items: provocative clothing, flower crown 

First Time View: 2
Total Watched (Including Non-Challenge Horror Movies): 11

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