Thursday, October 19, 2023

October Horror Movie Challenge - Terrifier (2018)

"Clowns" are something that a lot of people don't like. I get that. I used to be unnerved by them. There's something about a person that always smiles that is unnatural. As I've gotten older my views have definitely changed. I've been corrupted by one too many sexy Pennywise cosplayers... and don't get me started on the live action One Piece version of Buggy the Clown. This entry is not about sexy clowns though. It's about one of the creepiest clowns in cinema, Art the Clown.

A sadistic clown stalks victims through a rundown apartment building on Halloween night.

I heard something this past weekend that made me love this franchise even more. While working the Bloat Games booth at the Goatman Festival I complimented a gent on his Art tattoo. He told me that when he met Terrifier writer and director, Damien Leone, that he was told Art the Clown is essentially a horror version of Mr. Bean. I'd never thought about it, but it makes so much sense...

I've talked about this one several times. It's a violent, nasty throwback horror slasher. Art is utterly disturbing (even more so when you think about the fact he's supposed to be a diabolical version of Mr. Bean). This movie is mean and no one gets out unscathed. The weird thing is, compared to the events of Terrifier 2, this one is actually very tame. 

In Your Game: 
After watching both Terrifier movies I'm still not sure if art is a demon, spirit, or something else. For the purpose of these stats we're going the demon route.
Art the Clown (Outsider)
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 36 (6 HD)
Move: 12
Actions: 2
Attack: By Weapon
Special: FearlessMaster of Pain, Regeneration (2 HP a round), Total Sadist, Toughness +2
Bonuses: +4 to Attack rolls, +2 to damage, +5 to Stealth
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 8
Madness: N/A
Terror: 15
HDE: 4

Master of Pain: Art can choose to make a devastatingly painful attack. If the attack hits it only deals 1 hit point of damage. However, the victim suffers Disadvantage on all skill checks and physical attacks for 1d4 rounds.
Total Sadist: Once Art begins to brutalize a target, he has a problem stopping until they are utterly tormented and dying. He must 

First Time View: 3
Total Watched (Including Non-Challenge Horror Movies): 23

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