Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Are Your Ready For The Evolved?

I wanted to start with an image because if that doesn't get your attention, nothing will. This is the cover to an upcoming Bloat Games project, Evolved: Super Heroic Time Trave Roleplaying Game. Here's the premise of the game:



“Time travel … it changed everything. The world as we knew it was forever altered, and the future, so full of hopes and dreams for so many for so long, became a dark, bleak place, full of terror and death. The unknown became knowable, and with that knowledge came pain and suffering for so many of us, those affected most by the advent of time travel … the Evolved.”

The chronal energies given off by portal time travel caused a random advance in evolution for many of those exposed … sometimes resulting in abnormal physical deformities and death, while other times, strange, powerful abilities were gained … the era of the super being had arrived.

Those passing through time portals found that they were transported into the future of the year 2051 … and the future depicted was frightening. The world had changed so much as to begin to be unrecognizable, with war and strife rampant, and the Evolved finding themselves hunted and destroyed or captured by robotic and cyborgs created by humans who feared them, used and controlled by their governments as leverage against other factions, and leading rebellions against the humans to demonstrate their perceived superiority in a bid for power. Nuclear war, biological and gene warfare, cloning vats, and other things out of science fiction, including aliens bent on domination and their own internal conflicts, had come to the world en force, creating chaos and bedlam.

Welcome to the 2051 world of the Dark Fracture … its secrets are there for the taking … will you use this knowledge to prevent this future from happening, or to hasten its eventual arrival and ensure your place in its ruling elite? Knowing this awaits you, what will you do NOW in 2026 to prevent this blasted future from coming to fruition … you are one of the few left who has the one thing so many have lost going for you … HOPE.


I absolutely love the Days of Future Past vibe this game has. Like Transylvanian Adventures or Weird Frontiers, Evolved is a stand alone game that uses the same rules as and is fully compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics. I've had a chance to look at it and there's some awesome stuff going on with this game. To stay updated about the game, join the Evolved Facebook group where Eric and crew are sharing info.

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