Friday, November 10, 2023

OSE Supers?

Back in 2017, my friend Jonathan of Monstrous Matters released The Brawler. The free pdf presented a class for Swords & Wizardry Light inspired by supers from the public domain. He called it Light City. That lit a fire under me and over the following few years, he and I created several classes, a quick start, and some team pdfs (plus tons of write-ups on here).

Lately I've been thinking about taking some of these ideas and creating OSE versions. I know old school characters are very different in power level than modern characters, but then again old school comics are too. I don't know. Right now it's just an idea, but I think it could be fun.

Also if anyone knows of any OSE supers zines, let me know.


  1. Are you trying to emulate Golden Age supers and tropes in general, all using OSE? I can't think of any zines dedicated to the subject, but if you're just looking for some general inspiration there's a Sentinel Comics thread over on where the OP is working up a faux-publishing history for the fictional Venture Comics Company. He's still in the Golden Age and has cranked out over a dozen pretty original heroes and villains so far that fit the overall style of the era nicely. As a creative exercise it's been a good read so far even if you don't know a thing about the game system.

    Link if you want a look-see:

    1. Thanks for the heads up about that thread. I want to do a sort of pulp/golden age supers game using OSE. There's a lot in the public domain I can pull from.

  2. I would love to see what you'd do with this. For my part of Light City, I fizzled out as I always do, but I still think the level of detail required for classes in that style of game is right around a sweet spot for the amount of rules I feel like processing in a class-based system (both for rule creation and playing).

    I'm interested in seeing if you draw out any other interest. Honestly, it's kinda crazy if no OSE Supers material is out there yet....!
