Monday, May 13, 2024

Music Monday - Second Chance

I’ve mentioned my love of Mortal Kombat several times on here over the years. While the game is known for its blood and extreme gore, my favorite part of the games is the story. Mortal Kombat 1 continues that story and is a really fun game. I don’t like microtransactions and the game has them, but you can still play it without buying them and enjoy it.

Today’s Music Monday post plays dying the credits of the game and I really enjoy it. Honestly given the year I’ve had, that chorus hits hard in the best ways.

Of course I’m going to share 5e content related to Mortal Kombat with this post.

Classic MK Content

DLC Fighters

I didn’t make these MK stats. Unfortunately the site that posted them doesn’t seem to be working anymore. For that reason  I’m sharing them.

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