Friday, July 19, 2024

OSE Fiends

I was reading Three Curses for Sister Saren again and I love the idea of unique fiends. It got me thinking:

 Wouldn't it be fun to create some? 

I think so. Then I thought: 

Wouldn't it be more fun to create 666?

Ambitious? Ridiculous. Well, yeah, but I think it will be a blast and I'm not setting a deadline. This will just be something I do when the mood strikes me. To be clear, when I say unique fiend, I don't mean I won't present some classics, such as succubi or imps. However, individual representatives of those types of fiend with their own personality and lore/info is what you'll find.  

I'm going to stat them for Old-School Essentials. As of the initial time of posting there are no official demons or devils stats for OSE (at least in the core books). Necrotic Gnome is working on something.  Appendix N Entertainment has released both Demonology and Deviltry books, and while I want to grab them, I haven't yet. Therefore I'm going to use the one's from Labyrinth Lord's Advanced Edition Companion. You'll find those below and I'll hyperlink back to this post instead of repeating them with each new fiend.

I'm going to try to scour the internet for public domain pieces to represent them. 


Demon Traits
Demons have no formal hierarchy, it's helpful to order them by their powerful level. These are lower order (1-4 HD), standard order (5-8 HD), higher order (9+ HD), and demon lords (21+)
  • Infravision (90')
  • Half damage from cold-based attacks
  • Half-damage from electrical-based attacks
  • Hall damage from fire-based attacks
  • Half damage from gas-based attacks
  • Gate (varies in expression, not available to lower demons)
  • Telepathy (allows all languages to be understood)
  • Teleport (not available lower order demons)
Demon spell-like abilities (unless otherwise noted) function at the minimum class level required to use the similar spell, or as the demon's HD, which is higher. They are usable once each round.

Devil Traits
  • Charm Person
  • Half damage from cold-based attacks
  • Half damage from gas-based attacks
  • Immunity to fire-based attacks
  • Infravision (90')
  • Know Alignment
  • Phantasmal Force
  • Teleport 
  • Gate
  • Telepathy (allows all languages to be understood)
  • Lower devils (1-4 HD) can be harmed by ordinary weapons. Greater devils (9+ HD to 20 HD) and Archdevils (21+ HD) may only be harmed by magical weapons or weapons made from silver.

Devil's spell-like abilities (unless otherwise noted) function at the minimum class level required to use the similar spell, or as the devil's HD, which is higher. They are usable once each round.


I'll post my fiend this weekend. 

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