Thursday, August 1, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 - Day 1

I have participated in AUTOCRATIK's #RPGaDay off and on for several years now. With everything going on I kind of forgot about it this year.

Today's topic is "First RPG bought this year." While technically I paid for it when the Kickstarter ended in 2023, the first I received was Swann Castle. It was waiting for me at my parents' house when I got out of the hospital. 

Swann Castle is a mutliversal setting written by Leighton and Blumiere Connor. The are three versions of the book: Old-School Essentials, Troika, and QAGS. As you can see above, I have the OSE version. Swann Castle is a hub and connected to all worlds. It's a great collection of new characters, as well as those from the public domain (including at least one superhero). This is a really fun setting and I'll try to talk more about it soon.

You can grab any version of the pdf from the Hex Games DriveThruRPG page or from Leighton's

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