Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Thoughts On The October Horror Movie Challenge

We are about two weeks away from October 1st. Like pretty much every year for the past several, I'm going to take part in the October Horror Movie Challenge. The goal is to watch 31 horror flicks during October (with 16 of them being new to you). 

Last year I did the challenge a little different and used prompts (sort of like #RPGaDay). This is what I came up with:

I had fun with it for sure, but still not positive I want to do it again. If I did, I would probably come up with a new challenge list. That could be repetitive though. I also thought about doing themed weeks: maybe vampires one week, demons the next. 

What do y'all think? Should I make another list like above, make a new list of prompts, do weekly themes, or just do the basic version of the challenge and watch whatever?

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, the correct answer is: whatever you will enjoy. ;) If we're just spitballing, I'll throw out the idea of separate "phases" (I guess less than a week each) covering different time periods. Medieval, Victorian, 20th Century, Modern, then stuff set in the future.

    That was really the first thing that came to me; I bet you'll think of something much better. 😅
