Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn

Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn is a new free D&D adventure available on D&D Beyond. It's a 4th level adventure written for D&D 2024/One D&D (or what I'm just referring to as 5.5).

Kelek the evil mage has stolen Uni the unicorn's horn and absconded with it to a demiplane. Players can play as the six heroes from the D&D animated series (and their new cleric friend, Niko) or play as their own characters.

The adventure itself is meant to be played in a single session, so it only features a few encounters. Most of the encounters can be solved with blade and sword or diplomacy.  

If you're a fan of of the series you definitely want to check this out. We get stats for older versions of our favorite protagonists. This includes official stats for their powerful magic items. Finally, Venger, the big bad of the series, even makes a cameo.

The adventure can be played in the Realm the series featured, though there are also prompts for using it on Krynn, Faerun, and Oerth.  

Claim your copy here today.

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