Monday, October 21, 2024

October Horror Challenge - Madman (1981)

Decided to check out an 80's slasher I hadn't scene for Day 21's "Summer Camp" prompt.

Max, a counselor for a camp of gifted counselors, recites a story about a local serial killer. When one of the teens decides to test the legend he summons the killer, Madman Marz.

Like The Burning, also released in 1981, this flick is based on the legend of Cropsey. However because of the that film, the axe-wielding slasher was renamed Madman Marz. There's really not too much to say about this one. It's a pretty cliché camp slasher with pretty cliché kills. In general the characters don't feel real either. Honestly, I understand these are supposed to be gifted folks, but they are just too philosophical. There are some monologues that are just absurd. The ending isn't very satisfying either. These films often punish characters for their transgressions but the one that started it all survives. 

There are a few things I like about this movie. The idea that Madman Marz is summoned is different. There's a decapitation that's fun. The bus scene is cool, even if it's also kind of silly. Those bits aside, this is just a movie about crazy guy with an axe. I'd only recommend this one if you're a slasher completionist. 
 Your Game 
Madman Marz was human at one point but has become something more. Not really undead, he can be killed, however while in his woods he can be summoned back to the material plane by saying his name in a voice louder than a whisper. This is why I made him an outsider. 

Madman Marz (Outsider)
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 34 (6 HD)
Move: 12
Actions: 2
Attack: Axe (1d8)
Special: Fearless, Toughness +2, shadow step (see below), summoned
Bonuses: +4 to melee attacks, +4 to melee damage, +5 to Athletics: Basic, +5 to Stealth, +5 to Intimidation
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Madness: 7 (12)
Terror: 13
HDE: 3

If he is in dim light or darkness, Madman Marz can teleport to another place of dim light or darkness he can see. If Marz is killed his spirit returns to his home, waiting to be summoned again when his name is said aloud.  

Gear: Axe

Movies Watched: 23
New to Me: 15.66

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