Thursday, October 10, 2024

October Horror Challenge - Splinter (2008)

"Body Horror" is the prompt for Day 10. I decided to rewatch a flick I think is pretty underrated. 

A young couple are carjacked and find themselves trapped inside a gas station and besieged by a horrific parasite that takes over its hosts and turns them into killing machines.

This one is a gem. Jill Wagner and Paulo Costanzo are fantastic as leads. However, I think the true MVP of this one is Shea Whigham. Yes he's a violent criminal and has does some awful things, but he's not irredeemable. While he starts out as the villain, he becomes the hero, even seeking redemption in the end.

The creatures of Splinter are horrific and the practical effects are fantastic. They are savage killers and even touching them can infect a creature. The way the parasite takes over its host is also gnarly. Seeing Whigham's arm twisting and cracking is legitimately disturbing. The way it effects the body sticks with you.

If you get the chance to watch this one you definitely should. 

 Your Game 
Much like the clickers of The Last Of Us, the ravenous creatures are animals and humans infected by a fungus that drives them to infect others. For this reason, I'm statting the creatures out as SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies!.

Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 4
Move: 12
Actions: 2
Attack: Claw (1d4) or Bite (1d4)
Special: +3 to Toughness, any attack spreads splinter parasite, creatures attacking splinter in melee must make an infection saving throw, track by heat
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attacks, +3 to Damage
Pack Size: 1d4+1 or solitary
Methods of Termination: immolation

Movies Watched: 11
New to Me: 7.66

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