Thursday, October 17, 2024

October Horror Challenge - The Tank (2023)

"Something Fishy" happened Day 16. 

A man and his family move into his deceased mother's coastal property. His family accidently unleash a creature that has preyed upon the area for years.

This was an alright creature feature. As far as the cast were concerned everyone played their part well. In general I didn't find the family to be super interesting, but at the same time they weren't boring. The premise and setting are interesting. The scenes in the titular tank are claustrophobic and well shot. There are some interesting ideas presented and I feel it definitely has a message. Humans impact on the environment and more specifically animals is at the forefront of this message. 

The creature designs are interesting and done by Weta Workshop. Though they aren't cute like axolotls, they are amphibians and therefore related to them. I only mention those adorable animals because there is one in the beginning of the film and a character talks about their behavior. This foreshadows the theme of animals being territorial and man's impact on their homes.

 Your Game 
Deep Salamanders (Animal) 
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 3
Move: 12/ 24 Swim
Actions: 1
Attack: Claw (d4)/ Bite (d6)
Special: Blindsight, treat alcohol as acid
Bonuses: Toughness +1, +2 to hit, +8 to swim
Alignment: Neutral
Morale: 9
Terror: 10
HDE: 1

Movies Watched: 17
New to Me: 11.66

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