Friday, February 2, 2018

JB Publshing's One Page Adventures

Josh Beckelhimer of JB Publishing is releasing one page adventures for Swords & Wizardry Light and they are kickass. Here the product links to the ones currently available with a little bit of commentary by yours truly.

The Siege of Crasmere - Orcs from the Brokentusk clan are attacking the village and it's up to the pc's to find out why.
The Horn of Kardos - A vault, demon remains, and a cult... sounds like a great way to kick off a campaign to me.
The Fallen Star -Every Swords & Wizardry game needs a crashed spaceship adventure!
Beyond the Demon's Web - You know things can't be good when a werespider and demon join forces...
The Chasm of Crasmere - The village of Crasmere is once again under attack. This time giant insects are the menace. They must venture down a chasm to stop the incursion, but what they find it quite deadly and unique.

Obviously being one page, these aren't fully fleshed out adventures. They are outlines and destinations for those of us that have anxiety about running a detailed 30+ page adventure. You get what you need though: setting, important info, features, adventure hooks, npc's and monsters, and rewards/new items.

This is really outstanding stuff and it's all pay what you want! You should check out the adventures and throw some silver or gold pieces his way.


  1. Are they all exactly one page without artwork? Do you think that format could work for other genres?

    1. One of them is two because of the OGL, but they are all one page and some do have small artwork. I think you could definitely use the format and release adventures for your games.
