Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Size Shifter is Now Available

Apparently I can't stop making Light City content. I just released a new class (that is iconic and not just weird) The Size Shifter allows you to play Ant Man or Giant Man. It's another pay what you want class and you can snag it here. You can thank this trailer for my enthusiasm in getting the class made and released as quickly as I did.


  1. Outstanding! Light City needed this!

    (Also, first time I've watched that trailer. Dang, that looks fun...!)

    1. I think it looks great. Paul Rudd's Scott Lang is one of my favorite MCU characters.

  2. Really cool! I look forward to reading them all!

  3. Small erratum: The Green Giant does 2 damage when normal-sized, but it should be 1d3+1.
