Synopsis: A dark vigilante takes on a corporation with criminal ties that took away his perfect life.
The Good: This movie has a great style and looks like it takes place in Finland's version of Gotham City. Rendel, himself, looks really cool and I love his guardian angel character. The fight scenes are a absolutely brutal and a few of them are quite humorous.
The Bad: The plot of this movie really needs fleshed out. The villains for example. We know they have created some sort of vaccine and it's been tested on children in developing nations, but nothing more is said. We know they're bad guys and should be stopped, but more info would have been nice. Also as Tim pointed out in his review, how does Rendel eat?
Final Thoughts: This was a nice indie supers flick (and the first to come from Finland). It wasn't perfect, but I dug it and if you're a fan of street level supers, you should check it out.
In Your Game:
Alignment: Chaos

Level: 3
STR: 16 (+2)
INT: 13 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
DEX: 13 (+1)
CON: 15 (+1)
CHA: 8 (-1)
SUR: 12
Courage: 13
Critical: 13
Death: 12
Magic: 8
Mental: 12
Poison: 10
Languages: Finnish, English
AC: 17 (Dex, Dark Avenger, Leather Coat, Mask)
Toughness: 2 (Brawling, Leather Coat)
HP: 18
Move: 12
+2 Melee Attacks (Dark Avenger)/+1 Punches and Kicks
Punch/Kick +3 to hit, d4+1 damage
Basic Athletics 3 (+4)
Combat Training
Driving 1 (+2)
Fighting: Brawling 1
Interrogation 1 (+5)
Intimidation 2 (+5) - +1 to resist
Mathematics 1 (+2)
Parkour 1 (+2)
Stealth 2 (+3_
Street Smart 1 (+4)
Equipment: Leather Coat, Mask (can't be removed)
Great job on the stats! And thanks for flagging up my review ;)