Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Y is for Yan-gant-y-tan

Not much is known about the strange demon named Yan-gant-y-tan. The fiend travels the mortal realm by night. He holds five candles in one hand and spins them like a flaming wheel. He is cautious about making abrupt and sudden turns. He seems more amicable than most of his kind and perhaps he wanders because he's not evil enough for Hell.

Armor Class: 3 [13]
Hit Dice: 4
Attack:  Claw (1d6)
Special: See Below
Move: 12
HDE:  5, 120

Xaphan cannot be damaged by nonmagical weapons and is immune to all damage from fire. He can squeeze his mighty bellow and knock his opponents back 20' (successful saving throw to avoid being knocked down). If opponents are blown into objects they take 1d6 damage.

Summoning/Bargaining Ritual Modifiers: Agreeing to protect him for a length of his journey (+5)

Potential Boons: guidance to a destination, knowledge of an area

Potential Banes: none, 

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