Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Z is for Zaebos

Zaebos is a grand-count in the infernal nobility. He is a mighty warrior and tactician. Despite his battle prowess, he is also extremely polite. He is a shield brother to Forcas and a favorite of Hell's knight. Though a fiend, he also embodies many aspects of polite courtly society.

Armor Class: 2 [17]
Hit Dice: 12
Attack: Spear (1d6, 40' range), Shield (1d6+special)
Special: See Below
Move: 12
HDE:  10, 1400

Zaebos and his mount, an over-sized crocodile, are immune to nonmagical weapons. He can bash opponents with his shield. If the attack hits, they must make a saving throw or be knocked to the ground. He can also cast Quest 1/day.

Summoning/Bargaining Ritual Modifiers: occultist is polite and courteous (+1)

Potential Boons: knowledge of battle tactics, training in a weapon (non-fighter gains ability to use weapon with no penalty)

Potential Banes: max HP lowered, character cannot lie

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