Sanctum of the Snail is the first issue of Crepuscular, a dcc zine by Josh Burnett over at Bernie the Flumph. The primary focus of the issue is the titular, Sanctum of the Snail. This 0-level funnel sees a group of travelers shipwrecked and waking on a peninsula containing an ancient edifice dedicated to forgotten champion of balance, Blorgamorg, the Cthonic Snail. In the adventure characters will encounter all sorts of deadly snails, given a task by an avatar of Blorgamorg, and face his wicked fallen servant, Salynkari the Snail Sorceress and her Chaos Man-Slugs. The adventure has a nice variety of encounters (even if many of them are snail themed), treasure, and other types of encounter.
The zine also includes a two page comic. I love Josh's art, which is found throughout the zine, and this was a nice way for him to show it off. Crepuscular #1 also contains patron stats (with spells) for Blorgamorg and snail-y magic items. The zine ends with 30 hirelings suitable for your DCC games. Each entry includes a name with short description, gear, traits, weekly salary, and game stats. My two favorirtes are Dwargyr Tooms the ghoul porter and Kaiser the warrior ape.
If you're a Dungeon Crawl Classics fan, you should pick this one up. The funnel is interesting (and a bit deadly from the play reports I've read), the artwork is phenomenal, and the hirelings are unique and fun.You can get the pdf here. Goodman Games has print copies and I believe Josh said he might have a few more copies left. You can go over to Bernie the Flumph to find out how to get your own.
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