Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice/Points: 10 (50 HP)
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack: Bite (d4-1) or Shield (d6)
Special: Immunity to Poisons, Diseases, Toxins, Fear, Mind Probing, Mind Control, Pain, Surprise Attack damage, and Critical hits. Anyone bit or scratched by Colonel America must make a Poison save or they will become infected. If infected they are at -2 on all attack and skill rolls, lose 1/2 their movement, and lose 1 HP a minute until they die, at which point they become a zombie with these this special abilities.
Bonuses: +6 to attacks, +3 to damage, Athletics: Basic +5, Parkour +5, +3 to Toughness
Morale: -
Terror: 14
HDE: 10
Colonel America's Shield: This nearly indestructible shield deals 1d6 damage. It can be thrown 50' and with training will return to the thrower. Untrained must make a DC 15 d20+dexterity modifier check to catch it. The shield provides a +3 bonus to AC (which can take characters above the normal maximum armor bonus).
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