Much like I did with Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride, I've decided to take this adventure and give my recommendations for incorporating it into WotC's big three settings: Eberron, Forgotten Realms, and Exandria/Critical Role.
While there are several places you could place Howling Crater on Khorvaire, I think the most interesting would be Thrane. Obadiah Wotts has become a twisted holy man and that works great in the theocracy of Thrane. Perhaps Wotts and his clan see mutating radiation of the ship the true Silver Flame. Maybe they see the main church as heretics. Including these ideas really makes the adventure fit into the Eberron setting better.
Another thing to think about is how the artificers of House Cannith would view the technology of the crashed ship. I think they would seek it out and try to reverse engineer it with their magic.
Adventure Hooks
- House Cannith, not wanting to risk their own in the dangerous crater, have enlisted the party to gather the strange technology from Howling Crater.
- A strange sickness is affecting communities near the crater. Is it possible that the magic that plagues the Mournlands has infected the crater and surrounding areas?!
- The Church of the Silver Flame has received reports of violent heretics. They recruit the party to investigate the reports and put down the false believers, if necessary.
Forgotten Realms

Adventure Hooks
- The depredations have gained the attention of the various factions in the North (even the self-serving Zhentarim) and they must be stopped by any means necessary. You can further tailor this to factions presented in your party. The crater is a blight that the Emerald Enclave would love to see cleansed. It's presence affects the stability of communities and the Lord's Alliance can't have that. The Order of the Gauntlet can't let such a foul place go unchecked. The Harpers basically agree with the previous factions, plus a Harper agent could go missing while investigation the crater. Finally, the Zhent don't like the disruption to trade the Wotts cause.
- Word of strange technology in the crater has spread. The nation of Lantan, followers of Gond the Wonderbringer are definitely interested. This could also draw in their allies, the drow of Bregan D'aerthe.
On Wildemount, the Dwendalian Empire is the perfect place for the crater. I'd place it in southwest part of the Marrow Valley (maybe near the Ashkeeper Peaks). If you want to make it a colder wasteland you could also place it in the norther, near the tribes of Shadycreek Run. These options works best if you want to keep the Wotts Clan human. If your game is set in the Kryn Dynasty, I'd make the family mutant orcs.
A great way to explain why nothing has been about Howling Crater until this point is have the common believe that the crater was created by the divine clashes of the Calamity. Of course it wasn't, but the threat of divine magic unchecked and unholy abominations would definitely keep folks from exploring it.
A great way to explain why nothing has been about Howling Crater until this point is have the common believe that the crater was created by the divine clashes of the Calamity. Of course it wasn't, but the threat of divine magic unchecked and unholy abominations would definitely keep folks from exploring it.
Adventure Hooks
- Dwendalian Empire -The crater mutants' actions have begun to affect nearby community in the Empire. With the war against the Kryn going on, soldier can't be dispatched to deal with them. A starosta has hired the party to investigate.
- Dwendalian Empire -The strange machines of the crater are of interest to the gnomes of Hupperdook. Could this technology be incorporated into war machines for use against the Kryn?
- Kryn Dynasty - An unruly clan of strange orcs have been disrupting war effort with the depredations. They have been targeting members of the faith of the Luxon. This cannot stand.
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