Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Genial Jack On DriveThruRPG!

Genial Jack is a really interesting 5e setting by Lost Pages. Jack is a god whale that is the host to a cosmopolitan city. While nautical in nature, it reminds me of Sigil, the hub of the Planescape setting. That's high praise from me, given that Planescape is one of my all time favorite D&D settings. 

I reviewed the first volume last year. You can now get a print on demand version from DriveThruRPG. This is good news, because originally the zine was only available from the UK publisher or occasionally Exalted Funeral, which meant shipping was costly.  

The second issue is now available too. I'll be picking up a copy when I have some extra money. I'll make sure to review it when I do.

Until then expect a how to use Genial Jack in an Exandria game later this week.

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