Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Class Alphabet for DCC RPG Available Now!

 It's been in the works for a long time and is many years late, but The Class Alphabet for DCC is now available. This project, spearheaded by my gaming brother and muse, David Coppoletti, was started back in the days of Google Plus. It was created by a real who's who of talented folks (and me). 

It includes content by James V. West, Stephen Murrish, Anne Hunter, Victor Garrison, Jarrett Crader, David Baity, Julian Bernick, R.S. Tilton, Wayne Snyder, Claytonian, Diogo Nogueira, Noah Stevens, David Coppoletti, Jeff Goad, Jon Wilson, Reid San Filippo, Justin Isaac, Forres.

It includes art by Danny Prescott, James V. West, Davey Parrott, Jane Elisabeth Thomas, David Coppoletti, Evlyn Moreau, Jon Wilson, R.S. Tilton, Claytonian, Diogo Nogueria, KJ O'Brien, David Lewis Johnson, Ray Otus, Karl Stjernberg, Anna Costa, and Rick Kammer.

I'm going to be honest, I'm totally geeking out that my work is in the same book that features from these folks. Even more so, my class features artwork from one of my favorites, James V. West

The book is a wild collection of classes. While they might not work in every game, if you're a fan of Dungeon Crawl Classics, I guarantee you are going to find something in here you like.

Once I get my grubby mitts on a physical copy, I'll make sure to post a review. You can get yours here.

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