Thursday, August 5, 2021

#RPGaDay2021 - Day 05

For this post, I got community.

My favorite rpg community is the DCC RPG folks. Whey? Mainly because at times it feels more like a family than anything else. Go to any con that Goodman Games is at, and you can see it for yourself. I think Goodman Games does a good job of fostering this spirit too. They reward those of us that spread the good word of DCC and make sure the community knows that it's appreciated. If you want to join it, there's a big online presence in the DCC RPG Rocks! Facebook group. The group contains many DCC writers (both those that write for GG and those that release third party stuff). If you ever have any questions about the game. It's the place to go. 

I should also give a shoutout to a community created by the fantastic Tim Knight that I help moderate, I'd Rather Be Killing Monsters. It's a laid back Facebook group that was created to share a love of geeky gaming things without drama. Folks are pretty chill and I don't think me or the other two mods have really ever needed to step in and do anything. 

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