Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Kamila Review

Kamila is another new DCC class created by Ashraf Braden and released through Sanctum Media. This partnership is designed to help a young and up and coming creator. 

All Sanctum Media proceeds from this product go directly to the writer, Ashraf Braden. Ashraf is an aspiring game designer and author living near Kampala in Uganda. 

In the areas around Kampala, it is not uncommon for workers to make as little as $2/day. By purchasing this product, you are contributing to Ashraf’s ability to be able to continue to write and design games by allowing him the financial breathing room to do so. 

Your support of this, and future products of this sort, are greatly appreciated

Kamila is a water spirit that served as an assassin for the Mother of Gods, Nalubaale (mentioned in the Lukwata pdf). A few pages of history and lower of the river elemental are presented. After this Ashraf gives us stats for river elementals. Each encounter is different because when facing a river elemental the Judge rolls on the Debris table, which includes other creatures that dwell with it. This gives us six new animal threats and several obstacles. This is followed by elder river elemental stats, which represent Kamila. The pdf ends with a pronunciation guide and the purchase comes with audio files to accompany the guide.

This is another inexpensive and interesting bit of lore to add to your DCC game.

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