Thursday, April 13, 2023

M is for Marvel Zombies

In addition to Deadites and demons, Ash has faced super zombies in his journeys. I've previously statted two Marvel Zombies out for Cinematic Unisystem. The first super zombie was Squirrel Girl. I also created stats for zombie Howard the Duck, the zombie that killed and at the Ash of the Marvel Zombies universe. If you want to add the zombie hunting version of Howard featured in Marvel Zombies 5, check out this post. I thought I'd stat another Marvel Zombie for this post. 

Name: Zombie Multiple Man
Motivation: Feed the Hunger
Critter Type: Undead Mutant
Attributes: Str 3, Dex 3, Con 2, Int 2, Per 2, Will 1
Ability Scores: Muscle 12, Combat 12, Brains 11
Life Points:  50    Drama Points: 1
Special Abilities:  Appearance -6, Duplicate, Increased Life Points, Infect (as Deadite pg 161), 

Name           Score                     Damage                     Notes
Bite              12                             12                      Slash/Stab, Must Grapple First, Infects
Dodge          12                              -                        Defensive Action
Grapple        14                             -                         pg 90
Punch           12                             6                        Bash

Zombie Multiple Man can spend a Drama Point to create a duplicate of himself. This duplicate has the same stats listed above.

Finally check out this amazing fan film (actually two fan films put togther).

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