Thursday, April 13, 2023

This Is The Way

I had a long winded post typed out and then deleted it. Decided to keep it simple. I've been a life long Star Wars fan, but the toxic nature of folks online post The Force Awakens caused burnout and made me avoid most things Star Wars after Rogue One. Last year I watched Solo with my bff and enjoyed it. After talking with her and some other friends, I've decided that I'm ready to ignore the hate and just enjoy Star Wars because it's awesome. 

Since this past weekend I've watched The Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker, The Mandalorian Seasons 1 and 2, and most of The Book of Boba Fett. I've also started playing Jedi: Fallen Order on my PS5. I'm loving every second! 

I broke out my Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars books and am trying to figure out how to run a game. I'm 2.5 hours away from my of my friends and not sure how well an online game would do since the game doesn't have pdfs and is an unfamiliar system for everyone else. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

I guess I still rambled there a bit, but I just wanted to say my love of Star Wars is back and it's stronger than ever.


  1. There is so much Star Wars out there now that it's easy to pick and choose what you consume. For instance, I'm not a fan of the spin-off novels in general (some, such as Timothy Zahn's Thrawntrilogy), however, are superb. So I don't read the books... and I don't feel like I'm missing out because my love is for your live-action and most of the animation. Like Star Trek and Doctor Who, you don't have to like EVERYTHING to call yourself a fan.

    Mando is my number one Star Wars love at the moment, while I know a lot of 'very serious' fans (and even lapsed fans) were proclaiming the excellence of Andor. However - despite LOVING Rogue One - I found Andor a grinding slice of decompressed storytelling that, for me, totally missed everything that makes a Star Wars story a Star Wars story.

    Everyone's love of Star Wars - or any franchise - is different and, ultimately, who gives a rat's arse what other so-called fans have to say on the matter?

    I remember when Episode One came out. I hated it... with a fiery passion. These days? I love it (except for Jar Jar... that's a character I'm never going to warm to... even though, as we saw in Ep III, he's the senator RESPONSIBLE for the 'creation' of The Emperor... he's to blame for EVERYTHING!!! Which I believe was George's plan from the get-go)

    Don't let others' pissy attitudes put you off things you used to love. Only you should decide whether you like something or not.

    1. This makes me think about the Special Edition release of the original trilogy. While I understand why they are hated, they have a special place in my heart because they allowed me to watch the original stories in theaters.
