Wednesday, April 26, 2023

W is for the (Deadite) Wiseman

In the Ash and the Army of Darkness series the Wiseman was temporarily possessed by the Kandarian Demon. This happened after he made the mistake of reading the book allowed after helping Ash return to his time. He created a new army of the dead and managed to overpower the forces of Lord Arthur and Duke Henry the Red. After losing his copy of the Necronomicon, he summoned Ash and tried to force him to quest to retrieve the tome. Ash was saved by Sheila and a cult that worshipped him. Eventually they found the tome and forced the demon from his body. Unfortunately it then possessed Sheila...

These stats were created using the official Wiseman and Evil Sheila stats found in the corebook. That's why I am using Wiseman instead of Wise Man and why he is an Evil Human as opposed to a Deadite.

Name: Evil Wiseman
Motivation: Rule the world through use of the Necronomicon
Critter Type: Evil human 
Attributes: Str 5, Dex 6, Con 5, Int 5, Per 5, Will 4
Ability Scores: Muscle 16, Combat 18, Brains 16
Life Points:  75   Drama Points: 5
Special Abilities: Armor Value 4, Attractiveness -6, Beguile, Fast Reaction Time, Horrify, Increase Life Points, Regeneration, Status 4, Weakness in Daylight

Name           Score                     Damage                     Notes
Grapple        20                              -                        Resisted by Dodge
Bite              18                             20                      Must Grapple First, Slash/Stab
Claw            18                             15                       Slash/Stab
Dodge          18                              -                        Defensive Action

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