Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Sister Saren and WotC

A few weeks ago I reviewed Three Curses For Sister Saren and today I want to talk about how I'd include them in a few official WotC settings.

Forgotten Realms

In the Realms I'd place the adventure on the eastern side of the High Forest, near the Grey Peaks. This area is isolated enough. The Makers were probably a group of ancient Netherese wizards. They could also be elven and have ties to Hellgate Keep. Not sure why, but the clergy give me Helm vibes. I think this also works because he's a LN god which means he could grant spells to an evil follower (who thought they were working for the greater good). 

Adventure Hooks

  • A member of the Emerald Enclave could be asked to investigate the the corruption of nature in the area.
  • The Order of the Gauntlet want the land to be cleansed of evil and could seen a pc agent to the are to help with that.
  • A Harper could get word of a dangerous relic found in the ruins and travel to the valley with their party. They seek to retrieve it and stop it from getting into the wrong hands.
  • A Zhentarim agent could be said wrong hands. The ancient relic could be a nice piece of leverage or useful tool.
  • The Lords Alliance send agents to investigate after shipments of lumber don't arrive. This is the "My Shipment is Over Three Weeks Late!" hook in the book. The "Something Strange... and Dark... is Afoot in Crow's Rest" is also an appropriate hook for members of the Lord's Alliance or Order of the Gauntlet.


I think this adventure fits in perfectly with the vibes and such of Eberron. Ancient empires and ruins dot the land. The Makers could have been one of these. Geographically I would set this adventure in northern Aundair. Place it north of  Starpeaks. The Whisper Wood and Whisper Rock would be  the perfect place for Crow's Rest. After the Last War, bandits definitely tried to take advantage of citizens and Crow's Rest could have been a target. While you have to change the overall geography a bit, this location is off the beaten path and works nicely. The Whisper Woods and Whisper Rock are thought to contain ancient ruins dating back to the time of the Dhakaani Empire. There could even be ties back to the Age of Demons. The other reason I chose this location is its proximity to Thrane. The Silver Flame faithful of that nation are perfect for the clergy that sacrificed Sister Saren. Zig and his cousins could be travelers from the lands of Draoamm. 

Adventure Hooks

  • The party's patron here's rumors that one of the Lords of Dusk has taken interest in the area and sends them to investigate.
  • If any of the characters are connect to the Church of the Silver Flame they may be called on to check in on Father Albrecht.
  • News of the library ruins have reached the ears of House Sivis. The house of scribes hires the party survey the ruins for them.
You could use the adventure with little changes in Tal'Dorei or in the northern part of the of the Dwendalian Empire. Those are the boring choices though. I thought I'd spice it up and talk about how to place it somewhere else. This adventure definitely makes sense in the nation of Xhorus. In particular the intelligent and polite ogres seem like citizens of that land. Additionally it is a land of ancient demon haunted ruins. Perhaps the Makers were tied to the Betrayer Gods. It makes a lot of sense to me. Honestly the biggest change this would involve is making the citizens of Crow's Rest be from various humanoid races, rather than standard humans and demihumans. You'd also need to make the Blackheart's a rogue tribe that doesn't follow the Luxon. The Clergy and Sister Seren could be followers of the Luxon, though the clerics have fallen. Perhaps they are granted powers by the Whispered One now.  If you make them followers of the Luxon, I'd make them all drow. 

Adventure Hooks
  • A  pc follower of the Luxon has troubling dreams that lead them and their friends to the valley.
  • Members of the Kryn Dynasty haven't heard from the settlement of Crows' Nest recently and send the party to investigate on their behalf.

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