Monday, May 8, 2023

Space Station M

Space Station M (not Asteroid M as I keep calling it in my head) is one of the books from the prolific and talented crew at Bloat Games. This is another classic video game tribute monster book. Metroid is the focus this time. Like others in this series, their are multiple versions: System Neutral, SURVIVE THIS!!, 5e, and DCC.  The system neutral version includes base stats and how to interpret them to existing systems. The other versions contain concise stat blocks. Lukasz Piwinski does a great job with the art. Each piece is a great tribute to the Metroid monsters. 

A majority of creatures presented are the strange insect and mutant fodder that Samus Aran fights. There are about 14 of these creatures. This is followed by two different Space Bounty Hunters (a rookie and veteran). These could represent Samus or her fellow hunters. We are also given stats for Space Suckers (normal and queens). These are expy Metroids. There are a few big bads featured too. The first is Station M Terror, which could be used to represent Ridley from the series. The Thorn Beast is an expy of Kraid. Finally the Brain of the Death God (pictured on the cover) is the dreaded Mother Brain

Who doesn't love a new monster book? These aliens might not fight into every game, but I'm sure you can find a use. Obviously the SURVIVE THIS version is perfect for SURVIVE THIS!! The Blackest Space.  It could also work with Vigilante City if you aren't just sticking to street level shenanigans.. The DCC version is a great add-on for Gunzo! Operation: Bughunt. It would also be great for the Purple Planet. Finally the 5e version is a great monster supplement for Spelljammer, though many of the monsters are strange enough that they'd be perfect for planar encounters or the Underdark. 

There is also an Equipment Guide PDF. It contains stats in all the above systems. You'll find treasure drop tables, Space Armor, Space Armor Upgrades, and Refills for the suits. Overall they are really strong, but emulate the game well.

If you didn't back the Kickstarter and want copies, make sure to pre-order from the Bloat Games store asap.

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