Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Buckaroo Warlock

I love Dr. Chuck Tingle. If you aren't familiar, here's the bio from his website.

Two time Hugo Award finalist Dr. Chuck Tingle is an erotic author and Tae Kwon Do grandmaster (almost black belt) from Billings, Montana by way of Home of Truth, Utah. He currently resides in the City of Devils (Los Angeles). After receiving his PhD at DeVry University in holistic massage, Chuck found himself fascinated by all things sensual, leading to his creation of the "tingler", a story so blissfully erotic that it cannot be experienced without eliciting a sharp tingle down the spine.

Chuck has written some classics such as Pounded By President Bigfoot, I'm Gay For My Living Billionaire Jet Plane, Mercury Is In Retrograde and She Eats My Ass, and Not Pounded In The Butt By Anything and That's Okay. Full confession, I've never read any of his Tinglers, but I feel in love with Chuck Tingle when I saw the wild ebooks he was creating. The more I found out about him, the more interested I was. I became a true fan when he started speaking out and being a voice for love and acceptance. Seriously, Chuck is awesome. Yesterday he posted this.

Today he shared a new subclass created by Marpo's Market. Chuck contributed some art. Here they are:

You can see Marpo's original post here.

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