Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Princess for OSE

The Princess is a class for Old-School Essentials written by Andrew Lennox of Map and Key. It's free/pwyw and clocks in at 10 pages. All art is from the public domain and is quite fitting.

The pdf begins with Andrew discussing why he made the class. He's the father of two girls and wanted to design a class to make them want to game. The Princess is heavily inspired by Disney princesses and the fairy tales that inspired them. Charisma is the prime requisite, they have d4 HD, and the class goes up to level 10. The character utilizes songs that invoke magic powers. There are 8 presented. Instead of traditional weapons, they use improvised weapons. I nice aspect of this is that the weapons don't kill. If they reduce an enemy to 0 HP, they know the foe out cold. Speaking of out cold, if they attack an unaware humanoid up to 4+1 HD from behind with this weapon, they can potentially KO them in one hit. Instead of dying when reaching 0 hit points, princesses go into a deep mystic slumber and can only be woken up by powerful magic. At third level they also gain a Fairy Godmother, which is a powerful patron (and DM tool). Finally at 8th level the estranged princess learns of her rightful claim to a kingdom. If she doesn't already have proof, she learns how to get it. 

This class takes a lot of player/DM collaboration. The kingdom claim will require a bit of world building. Also the Fairy Godmother feature definitely requires working hand in hand. I like things like this, so it's a plus in my book. I think it's a lot of fun and would love to include it in upcoming OSE games. You can get the pdf for free directly from Map and Key or from DriveThruRPG.

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